To all those independently thinking people who are ranting and raving about the problems of the industry and the world--get off your butts and do something about it. Contribute to the furtherance of not only your career--but to the community at large. And to those who have already gone out there and created community and furtherance---you should be commended for your efforts and for your intestinal fortitude. Now go out and make your difference in the world." (Steve Zuckerman)

Brian Millar (
...People are more contradictory, more aware of choice, more demanding and less ready to be talked down to or imposed upon than ever. No: They can´t be bribed, they don´t think your ads are entertaining any more and they resent being sneaked uo on...

C. Locke (
... In the post-broadcast era, brand will become the sum of all a company has said and the spirit in wich it has said those things – a powerful symbol of the state of the relationship between a company and ALL its stakeholders. In the best cases, brand will become a reputation for shared understanding and deep respect. Brands that do not convey these values will become embarrassing public flags signaling ignorance, arrogance and needlessly lost opportunity…

Caspar Weinberger (
...But first, they must belong to a community. Companies must ask themselves where their cultures end. If their cultures end before the community begins, they will have no market...

RageBoy (
... today, corporations must establish more intimate relationships with markets because that´s where the knowledge is Intellectual capital is no longer a strictly internal affair. Engaged conversations with relevant micromarkets willbecome a crucial source of insight and innovatrion, and the quality of this market intelligence will ultimately determine market share. Without such interactions, efforts to create competitive products and services risk taking place on vakuum…

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